Use this dialog box to save the active movie window with a new name or in a new location.
To save your movie in the location indicated, or to open a selected folder or disk, click this button.
To save the active movie window in the location indicated, or to open a selected folder or disk, click here. Not available because you have not typed a name for the new movie, or because the selected folder or disk is locked.
To close the dialog box without saving the movie, click this button.
This icon represents a disk on your desktop. Click here to see the contents of the folder or disk that contains the folder named to the left.
To eject the disk named above, click this button.
This button ejects the disk named above. Not available because the item listed above is not an ejectable disk.
To see a list of the items on your desktop, click this button. To see the contents of a different disk, click this button, then double-click the disk’s name in the window on the left.
To see a list of the items on your desktop, click this button. Not available because items on the desktop are already listed in the window.
Type a name for the new movie here.
This list shows the contents of the item named above. Double-click a folder or disk to see its contents in this window. Double-click a movie to open it.
To save a copy of this movie that contains all movie data and has no dependencies, click this item.
To save a copy of this movie that contains all movie data and has no dependencies, click this item. Not available because you have not typed a name for the copy.
To save a copy of the movie that preserves any dependencies on other movies, click this item.
Shows the potential size of this movie file if it is saved with dependencies on other movies.
Shows the potential size of this movie file if it is saved without any dependencies on other movies.
To save a copy of this movie in a format that is playable on non-Macintosh computers, click this item. This combines the movie’s data and resource information into one file.
Combines the movie’s data and resource information into one file. Not available because this option doesn’t work with movies saved normally.
Combines the movie’s data and resource information into one file. This option is selected.